5012065 – Energy Ethics
This seminar will focus on the ethical implications of our sociotechnical energy systems and especially of the current energy transitions from fossil fuels to renewable and sustainable sources. The structural transformations of large and complex sociotechnical energy systems require a joint effort across the disciplines as well as a shared commitment among politics, societies, and individuals. The energy transition is currently witnessing an increasing exchange of knowledge and competences through so-called interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. Besides the fundamental work of natural scientists, engineers and policymakers, there is a growing awareness that these transformations deal also with fundamental ethical questions concerning, for instance, issues of justice, fairness and responsibility. These ethical issues, currently covered by perspectives that are primarily descriptive and empirical, call for additional normative points of views. At least in academia, moral philosophy is one of the main disciplines that deal with normative questions and argumentation. In the course of the seminar, we will explore key issues that could or should define the emerging field of such a normative energy ethics. We will read texts that might be regarded as foundational writings for this emerging field and watch films / documentaries with the general aim of providing ethical analyzes and stimulating moral reflections. Work in groups and active participation through class discussions will be encouraged.