4022071 – Detectors for Particle and Astroparticle Physics
First lecture will be on 25.10.2024 8 AM in presence.
Most lectures will be in presence but some lectures will happen in zoom only.
Instead of classroom exercises, we organise a timed self-organised laboratory course in groups at Campus North - "Construction and operation of a silicon sensor pixel telescope" plus possibly exercises on silicon strip sensors.
The extended exercises (for 8 ECTS) consist of a GEANT and extended detector practical.
For the lectures, the preliminary program is as follows
Particle interaction 1
Particle interaction 2
Particle interaction 3
Gas detectors 1
Gas detectors 2
Silicon detectors
Scintillator and Photodetectors
Tracking; b-tagging & Particle ID
CMS/CERN visit with special CMS fun lecture
Particle Flow
Neutrino; Dark Matter
In the past Tracking and PID were two separate full 90 min letures but the intersemester has one less working Friday than usal.
In case of further questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at Frank.Hartmann@kit.edu.