24019 – EU Data Protection Law

Module: EU Data Protection Law Type Lecture Course Number: Please enter the course number here: First you have to create the course in the course catalogue (VVZ). https://www.informatik.kit.edu/faq-wiki/doku.php?id=doz:lehrveranstaltungen Module Responsible: Dr. iur. Gustavo Gil Gasiola Program of Study: Master Business Informatic (Wirtschaftsinformatik) Area of Specialization Wahlpflichtbereich Recurrence Each winter term Duration One term Academic Level 1 - 4: Level 4: Master Program of Study Credit points = ECTS 3 ECTS Language: English Competency Goals: Students are able to comprehend the EU data protection regulation, including the General Data Protection Regulation and related EU data regulations. They know the foundations of data protection rules, including fundamental concepts (e.g., “personal data”, “processing”, “data subject”). They are also familiar with the principles of personal data processing (lawfulness, limited purpose, transparency, accountability) as well as the rights of the data subject. They can identify the main obligations of the controller and the processor. Students understand the conditions for the transfer of personal data to third countries. They can identify the other regulations that govern data in the European Union. Students are able to read and understand legal text related to data regulation. They can understand and solve simple data protection cases. Content: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union is a milestone in protecting individuals from the unlawful use of their data. In a data-driven society, economy, and government, this protection has become essential to guarantee fundamental rights. In addition to its direct impact on the legal systems of all Member States, the GDPR has a major influence on third countries that have adopted similar regulations (e.g. Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, and many others). In this way, the EU Data Protection Regulation has established itself as the “gold standard” of data protection, providing guidance to address the challenges posed by new technologies and new ways of creating, using and sharing personal data. Understanding the structure of data protection in the EU is therefore essential to grasp its impact on individual rights, public administration, business models, and even technological development. This lecture aims to provide a structured overview of the EU Data Protection Regulation, and to offer tools to understand the regulatory structure of the EU Data Regulation. The lecture will cover the following topics: - Introduction to EU law - Development of the EU data protection regulation - Legal structure of data protection in the EU - Role of national and sectoral laws - Data protection as fundamental right - Principles of data protection - Lawfulness of personal data processing - Anonymization and pseudonymization of personal data - Special categories of personal data - Rights of the data subject - Transfer of personal data to third countries - Responsibility of the controller and the processor - Security of personal data and personal data breach - Open Data Directive - Data Governance Act - Data Act Workload - Attendance time to the lectures = 15 x 90 min = 22 h 30 min - Self-study during the semester = 47 h 30 min - Preparation for the exam = 20 h - Total = 90 h Annotation: Prerequisites: Competency certificate: The assessment is carried out as a written examination (§ 4 Abs. 2 No. 1 SPO) lasting 60 minutes. Recommendations:

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Module Responsible:
Dr. iur. Gustavo Gil Gasiola
Program of Study:
Master Business Informatic (Wirtschaftsinformatik)

Area of Specialization Wahlpflichtbereich
Each winter term

One term
Academic Level
1 - 4: Level 4: Master Program of Study

Credit points = ECTS

Competency Goals: Students are able to comprehend the EU data protection regulation, including the General Data Protection Regulation and related EU data regulations.

They know the foundations of data protection rules, including fundamental concepts (e.g., “personal data”, “processing”, “data subject”). They are also familiar with the principles of personal data processing (lawfulness, limited purpose, transparency, accountability) as well as the rights of the data subject.

They can identify the main obligations of the controller and the processor.

Students understand the conditions for the transfer of personal data to third countries.

They can identify the other regulations that govern data in the European Union.

Students are able to read and understand legal text related to data regulation.

They can understand and solve simple data protection cases.

Content: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union is a milestone in protecting individuals from the unlawful use of their data. In a data-driven society, economy, and government, this protection has become essential to guarantee fundamental rights. In addition to its direct impact on the legal systems of all Member States, the GDPR has a major influence on third countries that have adopted similar regulations (e.g. Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, and many others). In this way, the EU Data Protection Regulation has established itself as the “gold standard” of data protection, providing guidance to address the challenges posed by new technologies and new ways of creating, using and sharing personal data. Understanding the structure of data protection in the EU is therefore essential to grasp its impact on individual rights, public administration, business models, and even technological development.
This lecture aims to provide a structured overview of the EU Data Protection Regulation, and to offer tools to understand the regulatory structure of the EU Data Regulation. The lecture will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to EU law
- Development of the EU data protection regulation
- Legal structure of data protection in the EU
- Role of national and sectoral laws
- Data protection as fundamental right
- Principles of data protection
- Lawfulness of personal data processing
- Anonymization and pseudonymization of personal data
- Special categories of personal data
- Rights of the data subject
- Transfer of personal data to third countries
- Responsibility of the controller and the processor
- Security of personal data and personal data breach
- Open Data Directive
- Data Governance Act
- Data Act
Workload - Attendance time to the lectures = 15 x 90 min = 22 h 30 min
- Self-study during the semester = 47 h 30 min
- Preparation for the exam = 20 h
- Total = 90 h

Competency certificate: The assessment is carried out as a written examination (§ 4 Abs. 2 No. 1 SPO) lasting 60 minutes.


Program of Study:
Master Business Informatic (Wirtschaftsinformatik)

Area of Specialization/Wahlpflichtbereich:
For Master modules only


EU Data Protection Law
Course Number:
Please enter the course number here:
First you have to create the course in the course catalogue (VVZ).

Module Responsible:
Dr. iur. Gustavo Gil Gasiola
Program of Study:
Master Business Informatic (Wirtschaftsinformatik)

Area of Specialization Wahlpflichtbereich
Each winter term

One term
Academic Level
1 - 4: Level 4: Master Program of Study

Credit points = ECTS

Competency Goals: Students are able to comprehend the EU data protection regulation, including the General Data Protection Regulation and related EU data regulations.

They know the foundations of data protection rules, including fundamental concepts (e.g., “personal data”, “processing”, “data subject”). They are also familiar with the principles of personal data processing (lawfulness, limited purpose, transparency, accountability) as well as the rights of the data subject.

They can identify the main obligations of the controller and the processor.

Students understand the conditions for the transfer of personal data to third countries.

They can identify the other regulations that govern data in the European Union.

Students are able to read and understand legal text related to data regulation.

They can understand and solve simple data protection cases.

Content: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union is a milestone in protecting individuals from the unlawful use of their data. In a data-driven society, economy, and government, this protection has become essential to guarantee fundamental rights. In addition to its direct impact on the legal systems of all Member States, the GDPR has a major influence on third countries that have adopted similar regulations (e.g. Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, and many others). In this way, the EU Data Protection Regulation has established itself as the “gold standard” of data protection, providing guidance to address the challenges posed by new technologies and new ways of creating, using and sharing personal data. Understanding the structure of data protection in the EU is therefore essential to grasp its impact on individual rights, public administration, business models, and even technological development.
This lecture aims to provide a structured overview of the EU Data Protection Regulation, and to offer tools to understand the regulatory structure of the EU Data Regulation. The lecture will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to EU law
- Development of the EU data protection regulation
- Legal structure of data protection in the EU
- Role of national and sectoral laws
- Data protection as fundamental right
- Principles of data protection
- Lawfulness of personal data processing
- Anonymization and pseudonymization of personal data
- Special categories of personal data
- Rights of the data subject
- Transfer of personal data to third countries
- Responsibility of the controller and the processor
- Security of personal data and personal data breach
- Open Data Directive
- Data Governance Act
- Data Act
Workload - Attendance time to the lectures = 15 x 90 min = 22 h 30 min
- Self-study during the semester = 47 h 30 min
- Preparation for the exam = 20 h
- Total = 90 h

Competency certificate: The assessment is carried out as a written examination (§ 4 Abs. 2 No. 1 SPO) lasting 60 minutes.



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