24890 – Projektpraktikum: Humanoide Roboter / Humanoids Robotics Laboratory

In this practical course, a is worked on alone or in small teams with up to 3 students over a whole semester. Questions of humanoid robotics are dealt with, such as semantic scene interpretation, active perception, planning of grasping and manipulation tasks, action representation with motion primitives, and programming by demonstration. The project work (alone or in groups) is performed largely independently but supported by scientific staff of the H2T. At the end of the practical course, the work has to be documented and presented in a scientific talk.

Allgemeine Informationen

Wichtige Informationen
These projects require decent programming skills such that in contrast to programming exercises for lectures, it will be your task to come up with a concept and code architecture. This means that we will not provide any code skeletons/methods that you have to fill in or examples. Your task includes creating your own architecture designing suitable classes and methods in the respective programming language depending on the project. While you have to tackle most coding issues yourself, high-level concepts can and will be discussed with your supervisor(s).

Requirements and recommendations:
• Very good programming skills in at least one high-level programming language are required.
• Attendance of the lectures Robotics 1, Robotics 2, Robotics 3, as well as the robotics practical course are recommended.
• Project-specific recommendations (knowledge of C++, Python, Java, ...) will be announced in the individual project descriptions.

Application procedure:
• Project topics will be provided in ILIAS by the mid of September 2024.
• More projects for the practical course might be provided by the end of September 2024.
• Depending on the projects, groups of up to 3 students are possible.
• Applications for the corresponding projects can be submitted to the individual supervisors until 25th of October 2024, but projects may already be assigned earlier.
• You may apply for several topics.
• You will only be considered as accepted for the practical course after the supervisor explicitly sends you a confirmation via email not later than 25th of October 2024.
• The practical course includes current research projects in the context of humanoid robotics such as: Scene interpretation, active perception, planning of grasping and manipulation tasks, action representation with motion primitives, and programming by demonstrations.
• The practical course will take place over the entire winter semester in close cooperation with your supervisor.
• You will present the results of your project in a short scientific presentation at the end of the semester in a student seminar.
• Topics of the project might be deepened in consecutive master theses or research assistant (HiWi) jobs.


In this practical course, a is worked on alone or in small teams with up to 3 students over a whole semester. Questions of humanoid robotics are dealt with, such as semantic scene interpretation, active perception, planning of grasping and manipulation tasks, action representation with motion primitives, and programming by demonstration. The project work (alone or in groups) is performed largely independently but supported by scientific staff of the H2T. At the end of the practical course, the work has to be documented and presented in a scientific talk.


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Christian Dreher


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Zeitraum für Beitritte
Bis: 27. Okt 2024, 10:20
21. Okt 2024 - 31. Mär 2025

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