4021131 – Solid State Quantum Technologies
WE MIGHT HAVE HYBRID LECTURES, that is, in the lecture room: Physik-Hörsaal Nr. 4 (Kl. HS B) and online. The lectures in English take place on Wednesday (14:00 - 15:30) . For the online part, we use the video conferencing software Zoom. To participate, a computer, tablet or mobile phone is required on which the software should be installed in advance (www.zoom.us). The link to join the zoom meeting is published here. You get access to the link as soon as your are registered. EXERCISES: The exercise classes take place in person only on Fridays 15:45-17:15 in Building 30.23 (Physik-Hochhaus), Room 3/1 (confirmed). The first class is on April 26, 2024. Please send the solutions to the exercise sheets by Thusdays midnight to your tutor via email (thomas.reisinger@kit.edu). Your tutor will choose presenters for the different exercises during the class. To pass the class you must be ready to present at least 60% of the exercises and present at least twice.