5169 – The Molecular Origins of Life II

During this interdisciplinary course on the interface of organic chemistry, chemical, molecular and synthetic biology we will learn on which novel functions can emerge upon modifications of natural biopolymers - oligonucleotides, proteins, or lipids.

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Wichtige Informationen
Diese Vorlesung findet (auf Englisch) in Präsenz (SR201, Geb. 30.42, 2. OG, IOC) sowie als Live-Stream statt.
Die interessierte Studierende: registrieren Sie durch ILIAS, oder schicken Sie bitte eine E-Mail an pianowski@kit.edu
Die Kursmaterialen und weitere Infos sind unter dem folgenden Link verfügbar:
Die Vorlesungen (7 Einheiten) werden am Mittwochs zwischen 14:00 und 15:30 Uhr durchgeführt.
Erste Vorlesung: Mi. 25. Oktober 2023 (Die Folien werden kurz vor den entsprechenden Vorlesungen verfügbar)

This lecture will take place in presence, and will be broadcasted online as well. If you are interested in participation, please register using the ILIAS system or send an E-mail to: pianowski@kit.edu
The lecture will be held in English. The lecture slides (as PDF) as well as current information is also available under:
Lectures (7 lecture units) will take place on Wednesdays 14:00-15:30 from 25. Oct. 2023, (the lecture slides will be available for download shortly before the respective lecture)

The lecture will be available under the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 890 7983 5848
Access code: 443707

If technical problems occur, write me an e-mail: pianowski@kit.edu
This interdisciplinary course on the interface of organic chemistry, chemical, molecular and synthetic biology aims to provide the current status of research on the following topics: Artificial genetic polymers and oligonucleotide analogues; unnatural base pairing – expansion of the genetic alphabet; artificial ribozymes for efficient catalysis and recognition (SELEX, DNAzymes, foldamers); biosynthetic incorporation of unnatural aminoacids (UAAs) into proteins;protein engineering – production of enzymes with unknown or unnatural properties, ab initio protein design, directed evolution, theozymes;Artificial lipid vescicles as models for protocell multiplication.
This lecture will be continued in SoSe2024 as a course "The molecular origins of life", focused on processes which could allow abiotic generation of biomolecules (aminoacids, lipids, nucleotides, sugars) on the early Earth for the following origin of life.


During this interdisciplinary course on the interface of organic chemistry, chemical, molecular and synthetic biology we will learn on which novel functions can emerge upon modifications of natural biopolymers - oligonucleotides, proteins, or lipids.


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