2513103 – Seminar Digital Twins (Master)

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Wichtige Informationen
Name: Digital Twins (Master)

Size: 10 students (with 10 different topics)

- 2 Lectures
- One presentation delivered + attendance of the other students' presentations
- One report

Responsible Persons: Michelle Jungmann, Sanja Lazarova-Molnar

Deliverables for Grade:
- 1 report per student and topic (7-8 pages, IEEE Template, usage of Reference Manager – Zotero or EndNote)
- 25 min presentation per student plus 20 min discussion (focus on the presentation topic + presentation skills) = 45 minutes for each student

Credits: 3 credits

- Lectures: 16th and 30th of April (each 9:45 am to 11:15 am) 
- Student presentations:  11th, 18th and 25th of June + 2nd and 16th of July (each 9:45 am to 11:15 am) 
- Report deadline: 18th of June

Format/ Structure of the Seminar:
- 2 lectures at the beginning of the semester 
- students on the waiting list can come to the first lecture as well and if a registered student does not come they can get the place
- Students have 1 week time after the first lecture to provide a priority list of 5 presentation topics, distribution will be decided based on first come first serve, ensuring that core topics are covered. (If students already have a preferred topic, they can email us the topics they prefer after the registration instead and we will try to consider them in the overall distribution decision at the beginning of the seminar when all students have decided on a priority.)
- Students have time to work on the report and presentation during the semester
- Submission of all reports will be required 2 months after the intro lecture (18th of June 2024)
- Presentations are done in blocks of 2 students per class, starting mid-June, presentations will be submitted at the day of the scheduled presentation

The seminar focuses on Digital Twins and data-driven modeling, with an additional goal of improving scientific research and presentation skills for Master students. The seminar targets different topics around the structure and function of Digital Twins as well as their use cases in areas like manufacturing, energy systems, healthcare and others. Additional aspects that we consider in this seminar are cognitive Digital Twins, as well as how data and human expertise can be combined in Digital Twins.
The seminar is structured as a literature review seminar so that each student selects a topic out of a predefined set. The student then writes a paper, as well as delivers a presentation on that topic, based on the provided starting literature and additional research.


1. What is a Digital Twin? (core topic)
2. Digital Twins Architectures (core topic)
3. Validation of Digital Twins (core topic)
4. Modeling Formalisms for Digital Twins (core topic)
5. Digital Twins Data Requirements (core topic)
6. Digital Twins for Manufacturing Systems
7. Digital Twins for Energy Systems
8. Digital Twins in Healthcare
9. Digital Twins of City Infrastructures (in Smart Cities)
10. Digital Twins in Logistics
11. Cognitive Digital Twins
12. Fusing Data and Human Expert Knowledge in Digital Twins


05.20 1C-04
Lectures: 16th and 30th of April - Student presentations: 11th, 18th and 25th of June + 2nd and 16th of July - each 9:45 am to 11:15 am


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