Invitation to the Launch of the online 'Best Practice Guide: Resources to support the design and delivery of EPICUR courses' (Fri, 20 Sept., 2024, 13-14 CET).

Not to be missed - Invitation to the Launch of the online 'Best Practice Guide: Resources to support the design and delivery of EPICUR courses' (Fri, 20 Sept., 2024, 13-14 CET).

The Guide is co-developed by educational developers and teachers at EPICUR universities. It draws on a wide range of course design and teaching resources and experiences. And because it's an organic resource, it is open to new inputs and additional materials.  Come and find out what the guide offers teachers and educational developers engaged with developing and teaching EPICUR courses and how you can contribute to it. After walking you through the guide we will invite you to buddy up for an adventure exploring the guide so you can find out what it can offer you and your teaching colleagues. And who can resist prizes! Intrigued? Come along and bring a colleague or two!
Register via this link to get the Zoom link and a calendar reminder. Looking forward to seeing you there!